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Find Your Aura Color

How to Find Your Aura Color


Have you ever felt a certain energy surrounding you or others and wondered what it represents? Our aura, an invisible energy field that surrounds our bodies, can provide insights into our emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Each person’s aura contains various colours, each having unique meanings and which can vary from time to time. But how do we find our aura colour and learn to understand it?

Before we dive into the methods to unveil your aura colours, it’s essential to grasp their significance. Each colour may highlight certain personality traits, emotions, and energies at play in your life.

They may represent things such as creativity, passion, calmness, or even spiritual growth. Recognising the colours in your aura offers a deeper understanding of yourself, guides personal growth and wellbeing, and may aid in navigating relationships and life decisions.

To discover your aura colours, there are several techniques you can try, from intuitive readings to using tools like aura photography.

By familiarising yourself with these methods and understanding the associated symbols and meanings of each colour, you’ll embark on a fascinating journey of self-exploration and self-discovery.

Let’s delve into how you can find your unique aura colours and harness their power for a fulfilling life.

How to Find Your Aura Color

Understanding Auras

Auras are believed to be the energy fields surrounding a person, reflecting their emotions, thoughts, and overall well-being. Some people claim to see these energy fields as colours surrounding the individual.

Learning about auras can help you connect with your spiritual self and gain insights into your personality and state of mind.

There are seven main aura colours, associated with different aspects of a person’s life and psyche:

  1. Red: Passion, strength, survival instincts
  2. Orange: Creativity, emotional balance, ambition
  3. Yellow: Intellect, optimism, enthusiasm
  4. Green: Healing, growth, compassion
  5. Blue: Communication, spiritual awareness, intuition
  6. Indigo: Wisdom, insight, heightened awareness
  7. Violet: Spiritual connection, mysticism, enlightenment

Identifying Your Aura Type

To determine your aura colour, follow these steps:

  1. Find a neutral background: Stand or sit in front of a plain white or off-white wall, with natural lighting. Artificial lighting can distort the colours you see.
  2. Focus on a specific point: Choose a point just above your head or near your shoulders, and fix your gaze there. Allow your peripheral vision to become more sensitive.
  3. Look for the colours: As you focus on the specific point, you may begin to notice colours surrounding your body. These colours may be faint or distinct, and can change over time.
  4. Take note of the dominant colour: The most prominent colour you see is likely to be your primary aura colour. Keep in mind that auras can have multiple colours, representing different aspects of your life and personality.
  5. Experiment with different techniques: Some people find it easier to see auras using their peripheral vision, while others may need to use a soft focus to discern the colours. Be patient and practice different approaches to find what works best for you.

Remember, it takes time and practice to develop your ability to see auras. The more you practice, the better you will become at discerning the subtle energy fields that surround you and others.

As your perception of auras improves, you will be able to gain valuable insights into your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.

Aura Colour Meanings

Red Aura

A red aura represents strong energy, passion, and action. People with a red aura are natural leaders, assertive, and impulsive. They often seize control of situations and ignite change. Career options for those with red auras can include:

  • Athletics
  • Management
  • Sales

Orange Aura

Orange auras often indicate creativity and an adventurous spirit. People with an orange aura thrive in dynamic environments and enjoy learning new things. They may also have a knack for diplomacy and problem-solving. Careers that suit individuals with orange auras include:

  • Design
  • Diplomacy
  • Education

Yellow Aura

Individuals with yellow auras tend to be logical and analytical, with a desire for order and structure. They are effective communicators, often expressing themselves with precision and clarity. Yellow aura people may find success in careers such as:

  • Accounting
  • Engineering
  • Science

Green Aura

The green aura signifies growth, healing, and balance. People with a green aura are empathetic, nurturing, and compassionate. They make excellent listeners, which can lead to rewarding careers in:

  • Counselling
  • Healthcare
  • Social work

Blue Aura

A blue aura is associated with communication, honesty, and tranquillity. Those with a blue aura often have an intuitive connection with others, making them approachable and trusting. Careers that align well with a blue aura include:

  • Teaching
  • Journalism
  • Public relations

Indigo Aura

Indigo auras symbolise deep spirituality and intuition. People with an indigo aura are often wise, intuitive, and compassionate. They may feel a calling toward spiritual pursuits, and possible careers include:

  • Spiritual healing
  • Psychic work
  • Counselling

Violet Aura

Violet auras denote a higher level of spiritual awareness and psychic abilities. Individuals with a violet aura are insightful and visionary, often driven to make the world a better place. Suitable careers for violet aura individuals involve:

  • Non-profit work
  • Environmentalism
  • Community organisation

Tools and Techniques for Aura Reading


Meditating on a regular basis can help you become more aware of your aura and tune into its energy. Begin by setting aside time each day to meditate in a quiet, comfortable space.

Close your eyes and focus on your breath, allowing any thoughts or distractions to fade away. As you become more relaxed, turn your attention to your energy field – the area surrounding your physical body.

Take note of any colours or sensations you may perceive, and explore the energy around different parts of your body.

Aura Photography

Aura photography, also known as Kirlian photography, is another method for capturing your aura’s colour.

The process uses a specialized camera that captures the electromagnetic energy around your body, revealing your aura as an array of colourful bands.

While this can give you a visual representation of your aura, it’s important to remember that colours may vary depending on the equipment and the photographer’s interpretation.


Observing yourself and your reactions in different situations can also help you identify your aura colour. Consider the following:

  • How do you react to various stimuli or challenges?
  • What types of environments make you feel most comfortable and energized?
  • How do others perceive you, and how does this align with your own self-perception?

These questions can provide insight into your aura’s characteristics and help you understand how it interacts with the world around you.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re struggling to identify your aura colour on your own, seeking the guidance of a trained aura reader or energy healer may be beneficial.

They can offer valuable perspective based on their expertise and may provide additional tools or techniques for understanding your aura.

Be sure to research and choose a reputable professional with positive testimonials to ensure you receive accurate and helpful guidance.

Cleansing and Enhancing Your Aura

Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations play a vital role in purifying and enhancing the aura. These daily positive statements can be spoken aloud, written down, or thought. Practising positive affirmations consistently helps to:

  • Replace negative thoughts and beliefs with positive ones
  • Improve self-esteem and confidence
  • Enhance overall wellbeing

Some examples of positive affirmations include:

Crystal Healing

Crystal healing involves using specific crystals to cleanse and strengthen the aura. Each crystal has unique properties, which when placed near or on the body, can help in balancing the energy. Some popular crystals for aura enhancement include:

To use a crystal for aura cleansing, follow these steps:

  1. Cleanse your chosen crystal, either by washing it with water, smudging with a sage, or placing it in sunlight.
  2. Hold the crystal in your hand or place it near your body.
  3. Meditate or focus on your intentions for healing and aura purification.

Sacred Spaces

Creating a sacred space in your home or office can help purify the energy within and around you. Consider setting up an area specifically for meditation or relaxation. Some ideas for creating a sacred space include:

  • Placing plants, artwork, and other calming items in the area.
  • Setting up an altar with crystals, candles, and essential oils.
  • Using soothing colours and comfortable seating to create a tranquil atmosphere.

To enhance your aura, spend time in your sacred space daily, meditating or engaging in mindfulness practices. This will allow your aura to balance and strengthen naturally, leading to increased harmony and vitality.

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